Introducing the updated prize money distribution for ESL Pro League

Season four of the ESL Pro League is well underway with tons of exciting matches being played weekly. The finals will take place on October 26-30 in Brazil, which we have recently announced the format and schedule of. Here, we’re pleased to announce how the prize money pool of US$750,000 will be distributed amongst the teams participating in season four.
With this season’s changes including the expanded divisions (from 12 teams to 14), as well as finals (from 8 teams to 12), adjustments to the prize money distribution were in order. All of the changes were deliberated over and approved with oversight by the WESA Players Council.

The prize distribution is as follows:
Season finals
1st place: US$200,000
2nd place: US$90,000
3rd/4th place: US$45,000
5th/6th place: US$35,000
7th/8th place: US$30,000
9th/10th place: US$25,000
11th/12th place: US$20,000

Online season
1st to 6th place go to season finals
7th place: US$18,000
8th place: US$15,500
9th place: US$13,000
10th place: US$10,500
11th place: US$8,000
12th place: US$5,500
13th place: US$3,000
14th place: US$1,500

Tickets for the season finals in Brazil are available

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