Millenium Acquire Infused Call of Duty Lineup

Just hours before the start of the Call of Duty World League event in Dallas, Millenium have announced their signing of the Infused lineup.

The British lineup is currently sat in 2nd place in the European Call of Duty Pro points standings, and look set to secure themselves a spot in the Global Pro League. The lineup recently secured a top four finish at CWL Paris last month.

The lineup consists of Mark “MarkyB” Bryceland, Tom “Moose” Handley, Nick “Nolson” Nolson, and Adam “Peatie” Peate. Their debut under Millenium will come in just a few hours at CWL Dallas against recent CWL Atalnta champions, EUnited. They’ll also face off against MindFreak and Cloud9 at the tournament tonight.

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