The Halo franchise began with a single video game in 2001, but now spans numerous record-breaking games, best-selling novels, comic book series, animated series, toys and collectibles. The Halo universe follows the story of a future war between humanity and a powerful alien enemy, the Covenant. At its core, it is a tale about mankind’s desperate struggle for survival and its unwillingness to be swept aside, no matter what the threat. This ideal is personified by the central figure, Spartan-117 – the Master Chief, a super-soldier who embodies the last force that stands between the human species and its extinction in an increasingly hostile universe.
Halo News
- DreamHack Halo SeriesOn November 15-17, Halo esports returns to Atlanta, GA with the DreamHack Halo Series! This Halo 3 4v4 tournament will feature a $50,000 prize purse and is open to all competitors. Can you hang with the best of the best? Assemble your squad and find out. For more event details: Read More Grab Team PassRead More
- Ignite: Halo European OpenOfficial HCS Last year the final official HCS tournament for Halo 5: Guardians, and kicked off the HCS Grassroots program as part of our efforts to lay the groundwork and solidify the foundation of Halo esports for the future. In the six months since the program launched, we’ve seen incredible support from the community – from fans, to content creators, to tournament organizers, and everyone in between. Most importantly, the community has really stepped up to support each other. We’ve seen ...Read More
- The Halo Outpost Discovery ExperienceCLX partners with Microsoft to bring the Halo video game universe to life through the Halo Outpost Discovery. A larger than life, multi-day event designed to immerse fans in all things Halo, the Halo Outpost Discovery will feature a variety of immersive themed attractions, including experiencing Halo Reach for the first time on a CLX gaming computer. “Halo Outpost Discovery blurs the line between fantasy and reality, giving Halo fans a unique experience and taste of what being in their favorite ...Read More
- Halo 3 Settings UpdateOfficial HCS For the HCS Invitational at SXSW, we’re planning to make some minor changes but we’re looking for your help in collecting data and providing feedback. With Oddball on Guardian and King of the Hill on Construct, we’ve been noticing many “dead man walking” scenarios where, at the end of the game, one team is so far ahead that it’s mathematically impossible for the other team to come back. This is especially true for Oddball on Guardian. For viewers, this ...Read More
- Halo: Outpost Discovery, A Touring Fan Experience for All AgesWith so many ways to experience the Halo franchise – from the multitude of games to the dozens of novels, live-action and animated films, comics and more, Herschend Live announced that it partnered with 343 Industries to give fans a brand-new way to experience and immerse themselves in this beloved universe with Halo: Outpost Discovery. Halo: Outpost Discovery is an innovative, new touring fan experience for all ages, that brings the Halo video game universe to life like never before. This ...Read More