Gears of War
Gears of War is a video game franchise created and originally owned by Epic Games, developed and managed by The Coalition, and owned and published by Microsoft Studios. The series focuses on the conflict between humanity, the subterranean reptilian hominids known as the Locust Horde, and their mutated counterparts, the Lambent & the Swarm.
Gears Pro Circuit
The Gears Pro Circuit is Gears of War Esports program.. Open to players of all skill levels from around the world, the Circuit features both regional online competitions, as well live major events, where players come together to compete for massive cash prizes in front of thousands of fans in house and on the Gears Esports live channel.
Gears of War News
- Gears 5, Joins Collegiate StarLeague’s roster for this seasonCollegiate StarLeague (CSL), the world’s largest collegiate esports organization, announced it has added the new and much-heralded fan-favorite shooter, Gears 5, to its roster of leagues for the 2019-2020 season. ...Read More
- Gears 5 Esports OverviewGears Esports is a showcase of the raw, visceral intensity epitomized by the Gears of War franchise, and a celebration of the uncompromising legion of fans that make up its ...Read More
- Mixer Matchups: Gears 5 Showdown Series at Microsoft StoresThe Coalition, Mixer, and Microsoft Stores are excited to announce Mixer Matchups: Gears 5 Showdown Series at Microsoft Stores! Open to all skill levels – simply select and register for your closest ...Read More
- Gears 5 Esports 2019-2020 SeasonThe Coalition and Gears Esports, in partnership with PGL, are excited to announce the 2019-2020 Season of Gears 5 Esports. Kicking off with the launch of Gears 5 worldwide on September ...Read More
- Gears Pro Circuit Las Vegas Open! – Watch And WinGears Pro Circuit HOW TO PLAY In order to participate in the contests, you must watch the broadcast on the live landing page – (On ANY channel! And don't worry, you can still ...Read More