Rainbow 6 at DreamHack Austin

Rainbow 6 eSports

DreamHack Austin 2018 is drawing closer and we are excited to be able to bring you the full details of the tournament. Here’s how the spots will be broken down: Twelve tournament spots are dedicated to Pro League teams on a first come, first served basis (all regions are open to sign up). Meanwhile, the top four teams from the open BYOC qualifier will fill the remaining spots. The BYOC qualifier is open for any team to join; the only requirements being a five-man lineup, valid DreamHack Austin BYOC tickets per team member (which can be found at the ticket page) and of course – a strong competitive spirit!

Main Tournament Format

Group stage: Four groups of four teams will play in a GSL best of three format. The top two teams from each group advance to the playoffs

Playoffs: Playoffs will be structured as best of three single elimination rounds

Tournament Schedule:

June 1: BYOC qualifiers begin and run until complete. Main tournament starts with the second and third seeded teams of each group facing each other

June 2: Main tournament continues, group stage finishes

June 3: Playoffs: Quarterfinals through to the Grand Finals. A match for third place will be played off stream.

A more detailed schedule will be presented closer to the start of the tournament and sent to all participating teams.

Main Tournament Prize Pool

1.       $ 25 000

2.       $12 000

3.       $6 000

4.       $3 000

5.       $1 000

6.       $1 000

7.       $1 000

8.       $1 000

Pro Team Registration Process
All teams participating in the regional Pro League divisions will be given the chance to register for a spot in the main tournament. These spots are on first come, first served basis, and details will be sent to all eligible teams.

Challenger League Teams Attending DreamHack Austin 2018

Challenger League teams can qualify for the main tournament through the open BYOC qualifier on-site. If the twelve reserved spots for Pro League teams are not filled during the registration timeline, challenger league teams will be offered a spot in the main tournament.

We encourage all Challenger Teams to use their correct name when registering for the open BYOC qualifier so we can easily identify all Challenger League teams.

Qualifying through the Open BYOC Qualifier

All teams are welcome to compete for a spot in the main tournament through the Open BYOC Qualifier which is hosted on Friday, June 1st on-site at the DreamHack Austin location. Teams must have a valid BYOC pass  – and don’t forget to bring your equipment! Four teams from the open qualifier will join the main tournament and compete for the $50,000 prize pool.

Open BYOC Qualifier Info

Tournament spots: 16

Format: Double elimination bracket with best of one in upper bracket and best of three in the lower bracket

Venue Opening: 10AM
BYOC Qualifier team confirmation at event: June 1st until 12:40PM

BYOC Qualifier start: June 1st Friday 1PM
Where: DreamHack Austin LAN Area

Equipment required: PC, display, mouse, keyboard, mousepad, LAN cable, Headset
Software needed: Valid game client with the latest update installed

BYOC Qualifier Registration

The open BYOC registration is available on a first come, first served basis, which means that as soon as the 16 spots are filled – the tournament is full. Teams that register for the BYOC Qualifier are required to enter their BYOC ticket code for all team members as well as be verified by DreamHack.

Teams are to confirm their attendance before 12:40 pm CT on June 1st on-site at the esport crew desk. Failing to confirm attendance will result in the team being marked as a “no show” and will automatically forfeit their spot.

Teams that were unable to register before registration closed are welcome to notify the esport crew about their attendance on-site on June 1st to be added to a waiting list in case a team is dropped from the tournament. Please visit the esport crew directly when arriving at DreamHack Austin to be added.

A team’s registration is complete once the team is contacted by the tournament organizer via email, confirming that all information provided by the team is correct.

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